Fundraising has been a good topic of conversation around here, and thanks to my awesome sister, we'll be selling T-shirt scarves starting sometime next week. Many more details will follow. We're also hoping to organize other fundraisers - all information can be found in the Fundraising Events tab.
I've also started my second job. It's not much, but we are still getting paid at my teaching job (for now), so every extra bit I can get is one step closer to getting Tanya home.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. I'm going to be quite the busy bee for the next five months or so between my teaching job, two graduate classes, my second job, and trying to get more fundraising going. Believe me, this is not something I could keep up indefinitely, but for now, and for Tanya? No problem.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I could never fully express what it means to have people who are as awesome as you are in my life. God is truly amazing, right?