Sunday, August 5, 2012


I had a really good day Friday.  As some of you already know, a smaller contingent of my sister's mission trip from last year decided they wanted to go back.  To see the same kids.  So they planned a trip and headed off to Russia.  They were fairly sure that they would visit Tanya's orphanage, so my sister had been in contact with a couple of the group members, sharing all the pictures and information that we have so they could try to find Tanya.

It started with the following promise from Kim: We will bring you back pics and give her lots of lovin while we are there!!!! What a cutie pie!!!

I was hopeful, but not depending on seeing anything in particular.  It has been hard with no contact of any sort since mid-December.  Eight long months of paperwork and waiting.  Eight long months of wondering how she's doing, if she's growing, is she happy?

After being sick this past week, I was up in the middle of the night again early Friday morning and saw this from Kim:  We are heading over to #-- in a few minutes. I have my cameras ready!!!!!

I laid by my computer and prayed.  I prayed that they would recognize Tanya.  I prayed that Tanya would be there that day.  I prayed that somehow, just somehow, Tanya would feel my love through them.  And I prayed for some new pictures, words, video, anything.

Eventually I fell back asleep, but got up early for some testing.  I checked facebook and email again, but nothing.  Knowing how spotty internet reception can be, I told myself to just be patient.  So I got in the shower and proceeded to get ready for my day.

And then my phone rang.  It was my mom, telling me to get on facebook right away.  There were pictures and comments and so much fun!  I ran upstairs and hopped on the computer.  Kim had been kind enough to tag my sister in the pictures, so I could see them all.  I'll share some on here temporarily, 'cause they're just so amazing.  As I sat and looked at the pictures over and over again, with my mom still on the phone, I just broke down.  There was my little girl.  So close, and yet so far away.  It was as though I could just touch her through the screen, through these amazing women who had gone so far for their mission and helped me with mine.  This entire day has been filled with more and more pictures - smiling, playing, hugging, kidding around.  What a joy it is to see Tanya happy and loved.  I couldn't ask for much more.  Except for her to be home.

Tanya right after Kim called her name

Playing ball with Kim

What a smile!

The Ellie series - what a treasure

It has been a day beyond my wildest dreams, my hopes against all hopes.  Just look at her!

This verse always reminds me of my mom - it is one of her favorites, "her verse," even.  
It fits for me today:

but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31