For a little while there, it felt like everything was moving so quickly, I could barely keep up. It felt that way because things were moving very quickly. And then, that time came that everyone who has adopted warned me about: The dreaded unnecessary waiting. Not the waiting that you were anticipating, the waiting that seems to be just for the sake of waiting, as though every adoptive parent doesn't fully appreciate their process until they've had the waiting and the waiting and maybe even a little more waiting.
The sermon this Sunday was about the Israelite's time in the desert, their time 'in-between,' as the pastor said. He asked us to examine our own lives and our own in-betweens. To be honest, the adoption has been so stalled, it did not occur to me until today that this is my in-between. I have that beautiful little girl just waiting for me, and I'm here just waiting for her. Waiting in my in-between.
My next step is to send in my I-600A with some accompanying paperwork (after getting new copies with the right name on them ...), wait for an appointment for fingerprinting, and then wait 4-8 weeks for more paperwork. This is the home stretch, friends, and I cannot tell you how wonderful this feels. I know that there will still be waiting, but I'm trying to be ready ... will update more as soon as I know it.
"and when you and your children return to the Lord yourGod and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command today, then the Lord your God will restore you again from all the nations where he scattered you." Deuteronomy 30: 2-3